Pakistan Tobacco Company (PTC)

SignWorld, entrusted by PTC, executed a notable project involving signage facia banners for tobacco company shop signs. The collaboration resulted in the creation and installation of distinctive and eye-catching facia banners for various tobacco establishments. The expertise of SignWorld played a pivotal role in bringing PTC’s vision to life, enhancing the visual appeal and brand representation of the tobacco shops through carefully crafted and impactful signage.


Pakistan Tobacco Company (PTC)

Project Type

Facia Signage

About The Projects

PTC commissioned SignWorld for a standout project, focusing on signage facia banners for tobacco shop signs. SignWorld’s expertise shone through as they skillfully crafted and installed eye-catching banners, elevating the visual identity of various tobacco establishments.

Majority of the Locations

Comprehensive signage for the tobacco shop includes:

  • Standout Pylon Sign
  • Inviting Entrance Signage
  • Distinctive Dispense Spreaders
  • Canopy Cladding with Custom Tobacco Shop Signage
  • C Store Signage Tailored for Tobacco
  • Clear Directional Signage for Tobacco Sections

Let’s Build Something Together

Contact Us


Suit# 27,2nd Floor,

Sadiq Plaza,The Mall,



+92-42-36307309 /10/11/12


Business Hours

Mon - Sat : 9 AM - 5 PM

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